For EU Member States, information is based on their official adaptation reporting: 2023 and 2021 adaptation reporting under the Regulation on the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action (see EU Adaptation ReportingClimate-ADAPT Country Profiles). Note: The relevant information has been copied from the EU official reporting on adaptation (submitted until 15 November 2023), without further elaborating the contents of the text. Some information, valid at the time of reporting, may no longer be valid today. Any necessary additions to the text are clearly highlighted. In addition, information collated in the EEA’s analysis of Climate change and health: the national policy review in Europe (2021). Note: Some information, valid at the time of publication, may no longer be valid today. Any necessary additions to the text are clearly highlighted. 

Information from Governance Regulation reporting on adaptation (2023, 2021)

The health sector is covered in the Polish National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change by 2020 with the perspective by 2030 (NAS, 2013) and in Klimada 2.0 (Climate Risk Assessment, 2022). Ensuring the functioning of the effective health care system in the conditions of climate change is one of the main goals and actions of the NAS.

As part of measures to minimise the negative effects associated with flood risk, flood hazard and flood risk maps and Flood Risk Management Plans (PZRP) were drawn up for the entire area of Poland. Flood Risk Management Plans were adopted in 2022. The main objective of the PZRP is to reduce the potential negative effects of floods on human life and health, the environment, cultural heritage and economic activity, through the implementation of measures to minimize the identified threats.

A map of threats to human life and health due to meteorological conditions are available through Institute of Meteorology and Water Management’s map service information, indicating areas of Poland where hydrological and meteorological threats occur, as part of the System of Protection Against Extreme Hazards.

National Institute of Public Health-National Research Institute implemented the project “Study and assessment of the impact of climate on health and development of adaptation measures to climate change”. Main objectives of the project: a) Assessment of the prevalence and dynamics of health phenomena related to climate change, including extreme emergencies; b) Formulating recommendations in the area of health care; c) Dissemination of the acquired knowledge through reports and an online system of presentation of data on monitored phenomena.

An example of a health sector adaptation measure to address vulnerable groups is the project "Development of Urban Adaptation Plans for cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants in Poland”, which included a methodology for developing urban adaptation plans that include groups that are particularly sensitive to climate change. In assessing vulnerability and adaptive potential, the population and living conditions of elderly, lonely, disabled and chronically ill as well as homeless people were assessed. Almost in all 44 cities participating in the project, the public health sector was selected as a sector sensitive to climate change. Within this sector problems of various socio-economic groups are considered. Among the adaptation activities the following are proposed: actions improving the functioning of municipal services and social infrastructure, activities concerning warning systems for residents about the risks associated with climatic events, as well as measures to strengthen public awareness, so that urban residents care for the weakest. The methodology of developing strategies that has been prepared in the project takes into account the vulnerability assessment of various socio-economic groups, in particular the homeless as a social group directly exposed to meteorological factors and older people (who are often lonely) as a group vulnerable to the effects of extreme temperatures. In the vulnerability assessment, the populations of these social groups in the city and its distribution in space (settlements with a high proportion of elderly people in the population) were identified. The analysis covered social infrastructure and social services, their availability for homeless and elderly people.

Information from EEA report. Climate change and health: the national policy overview in Europe (2022)

National policies on climate change adaptation and national health strategies were analysed to identify the coverage of climate-related impacts on health (physical, mental, and social) and the types of interventions addressing them. The report provides a European overview, while the geographical coverage of various aspects of national policies across Europe can be visualized using the map viewer. The results for Poland are summarised here.

Policy documents reviewed:

Polish National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change by 2020 with the perspective by 2030

National Health Program (2016-2020)

Aspects covered in the reviewed policy document:

Resources in the Observatory catalogue on Poland

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