Home Database Case studies Adapting to heat stress in Antwerp (Belgium) based on detailed thermal mapping The maximum WBGT [°C] during a hot summer day for a quarter in the city centre of Antwerp
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The maximum WBGT [°C] during a hot summer day for a quarter in the city centre of Antwerp

This map shows the results of VITO’s urban climate UrbClim model for a neighbourhood in the Southern part of Antwerp. The basis data are hourly 2m Wet Bulb Globe Temperature values for a specific warm summer day (24 July 2012). The map shows the maximum WBGT values during this day, which should stay below 25°C to avoid heat stress. Locations with trees and/or water surfaces are coolest, whereas the highest heat stress values are found over paved squares and streets where there is no shading. Author: Dirk Lauwaet (VITO). Source: https://www.ruimtelijkeordening.be/Portals/108/Eindrapport_actualisatie_kaartmateriaal_ruimtelijk_beleid_v1_0.pdf