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See all EU institutions and bodiesAdapting to the impacts of climate change is a complex challenge. Identifying, prioritising and implementing effective solutions can be facilitated by engaging and mobilising stakeholders and citizens, who often have diverse values, beliefs and perceptions.
This page includes information and resources to support your stakeholder and citizen engagement activities, including:
A DIY Manual
Citizen and Stakeholder Training Programme
Exclusive Charter Signatory Support
1. DIY Manual
MIP4Adapt has developed a “do-it-yourself” (DIY) manual to help regional and local authorities identify which participatory activities and tools can be implemented in each step of the Regional Adaptation Support Tool (RAST) cycle, including good practices and local experiences. This will help build a common understanding and ownership of climate adaptation plans and actions, which is key to their successful delivery. Whether you're a region with strong traditions of citizen engagement or just starting out, the updated Manual offers resources for everyone, including guidance, practical steps and tips.
The DIY Manual was updated in Autumn 2024 to compliement the original version. It presents participatory activities in thematic flyers and related tools that you may find helpful during the adaptation planning cycle for:
- creative engagement,
- engaging the private sector,
- supporting vulnerable groups, and
- establishing the core foundation of participation.
Download the updated version of DIY Manual on Engaging Stakeholders and Citizens in Climate Adaptation: Tools, Good Practices and Experiences.
Download the first version of the DIY manual below:
2. Citizen and Stakeholder Training Programme
Regions and local authorities can enhance their engagement skills by attending the MIP4Adapt training programme on stakeholder and citizen engagement. The dynamic two-hour online sessions are designed to guide you through the essential aspects and proven methods for effective stakeholder and citizen engagement in climate adaptation.
The sessions cover a range of citizen and stakeholder engagement topics, including:
• Designing an engagement strategy
• Climate citizens’ assemblies
• Climate adaptation workshops
• Awareness-raising campaigns
• Communities of Practice
• Green Participatory Budgets
• Creative citizens’ engagement
• Citizen Science
3. Exclusive Support for Charter Signatories
We also specifically provide Technical Assistance to Charter Signatories in the engagement of stakeholders and citizens, aiming to:
- Improve communication of climate-related information
- Design a sustained engagement strategy
- Provide opportunities for deliberative and inclusive dialogues
- Catalyse stakeholders’ and citizens’ mobilisation, involvement, and action.
Reach out via the Helpdesk to learn more.
As part of the Technical Assistance programme, MIP4Adapt can support regions in delivering community-level events (CLEs). The primary aim of CLEs is to support regions in directly engaging with stakeholders and citizens to develop and implement their adaptation plans. MIP4Adapt and Member State Facilitators will guide Charter Signatories through each stage of event organisation and ensure the outcomes align with the Mission objectives.
4. 2025 MIP4Adapt Open Call for Support to Citizen Events
Charter Signatories and European regions or local authorities engaged in adaptation projects are invited to apply for support to design and deliver impactful citizen events. These events aim to engage and empower communities in preparing for climate change impacts through activities such as workshops, community forums, and interactive sessions. Successful applicants will receive five days of expert assistance to help plan, organise, and communicate their event, ensuring alignment with adaptation goals and local priorities. Learn more and apply by 11th April 2025, event should be scheduled to take place by 31st October 2025. For further details on the call please see news item here.
The contents and links to third-party items on this Mission webpage are developed by the MIP4Adapt team led by Ricardo, under contract CINEA/2022/OP/0013/SI2.884597 funded by the European Union and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union, CINEA, or those of the European Environment Agency (EEA) as host of the Climate-ADAPT Platform. Neither the European Union nor CINEA nor the EEA accepts responsibility or liability arising out of or in connection with the information on these pages.
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