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Latest modifications on Climate-ADAPT

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Translating climate data into power plants operational guidance

CLIM2POWER aims to develop a climate service that integrates seasonal weather forecasts into decision making in the electricity sector. In particular, it assesses the value of current and possible future seasonal forecasts for an improved management of power generation portfolios

Inspired innovative strategies for prevention, diagnosis and therapy of ragweed pollen induced respiratory diseases induced by ambrosia pollen

The main objective of the INSPIRED project is to develop a new diagnostic kit, based on recombinant allergen use, specific for ragweed allergic patients, which will better direct the therapy, with the support of an international team by attracting foreign specialists with recognized competence, thus increasing the Romanian participation in research areas at the European level, and creating a scientific research core of specialists in advanced technologies based on recombinant allergens applications of European level. Because of climate change (particularly rising temperatures and carbon dioxide levels) and other drivers like urbanisation and pollutants, plant evolution has already led to an increase of ragweed biomass, the length of the pollen season and also the atmospheric pollen count


Climate CHIP is a non-profit website supported by charitable grants from organizations and individuals concerned about local and global threats to human health and society from climate change. The aim is to provide a range of information and resources about heat stress and other health impacts of climate change.

Protecting health in Europe from climate change: 2017 update

There is continuously increasing evidence that climate change is taking place. These impacts of climate change as well as climate variability are well observed, be it heat waves and its increase in intensity, floods and fires as well as an increased distribution of vector-, food- and water-borne diseases

DownScaling CLImate imPACTs and decarbonisation pathways in EU islands, and enhancing socioeconomic and non-market evaluation of Climate Change for Europe, for 2050 and beyond

SOCLIMPACT aims to provide advances in the economic evaluation of climate-induced impacts, and in climate and economic models, allowing downscaled projections of complex impact chains, and facilitating the resilience capacity of vulnerable lands. In particular, the project focuses on the modelling of downscaled climate change effects and their socioeconomic impacts in European islands and archipelagos for the period 2030–2100, in the context of the EU Blue Economy sectors, and assess corresponding decarbonisation and adaptation pathways, thus complementing current available projections for Europe, and nourishing actual economic models with non-market assessment

The Oceans 2015 Initiative, Part II

Between 1971 and 2010, the oceans have absorbed approximately 93% of the excess heat caused by global warming, leading to several major changes such as the increase in stratification, limitation in the circulation of nutrients from deep waters to the surface, and sea level rise. In addition, the oceans absorbed 26% of anthropogenic CO 2 emitted since the start of the Industrial Revolution, which resulted in ocean acidification

Climate Change Adaptation Practices Across the EU

The report represents the results of a local and regional authority survey carried out by the MASTER ADAPT project, and provides a snapshot of the current state in the development and implementation of adaptation policies on regional and local levels in various locations in Europe. The survey spans over the following main aspects of the adaptation cycle: planning, implementation, governance and evaluation

ENBEL briefing: Climate change, wildfires and human health

Wildfires and air pollution related to wildfire smoke have an impact on our health. In this  policy brief , ENBEL , a European project aimed at connecting health and climate change research, summarises new evidence on how climate change will increase the health risks from wildfires across the world

Operational framework for building climate resilient and low carbon health systems

This document presents the World Health Organization Operational framework for building climate resilient and low carbon health systems. The framework’s goal is to increase the climate resilience of health systems to protect and improve the health of communities in an unstable and changing climate, while optimizing the use of resources and implementing strategies to reduce GHG emissions

Risk characterisation of ciguatera poisoning in Europe

The EuroCigua project main objective is to characterize the risk of Ciguatera Poisoning (CP) in Europe including several specific objectives: to determine the incidence of ciguatera in Europe and the epidemiological characteristics of cases; to assess the presence of ciguatoxin in food and the environment in Europe and to develop and validate methods for the detection, quantification and confirmation of the presence of ciguatoxin contaminated specimens. This report compiles the activities carried out during the EuroCigua project from the signing in April 2016 until December 2020

Zero regrets: scaling up action on climate change mitigation and adaptation for health in the WHO European Region (2nd ed.)

The imperative to protect and improve the health of current and future generations is one of the strongest arguments for action on climate change and sustainable development. Without significant actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change there will be substantial increases in preventable morbidity and mortality and adverse impacts on the quality of life over the next decades

Evaluation of Information Systems Relevant to Climate Change and Health - Vol. 1 and Vol. 2

Climate change is a continuing, long-term alteration of weather patterns with more frequent and/or more severe extreme weather events which affect human health with heatwaves, increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation, high airborne pollen counts and ground-level ozone. Climate change affects human health through more frequent and/or more severe extreme weather events and increasing climate variability

Lyme Borreliosis in Europe

This report has been published by the  WHO Regional Office for Europe together with the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), and it is about the Lyme Borreliosis (LB) in Europe. LB is caused by the bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi , and is transmitted to humans by the bite of infected ticks, mainly Ixodes ricinus

CO-producing Nature-based solutions and restored Ecosystems: transdisciplinary neXus for Urban Sustainability

The EU-funded CONEXUS project will co-produce, structure and promote access to contextualised knowledge by co-creating Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) to support the restoration of urban ecosystems.  Cities and regions in Europe (EU) and the Community of Latin American & Caribbean States (CELAC) face shared and urgent global-local challenges to integrate practical actions with strategies to achieve greater inclusion, biodiversity, climate change adaptation and environmental quality

EFSA podcast on climate-related health impacts via food safety

In each podcast episode, EFSA, the European Food Safety Authority, talks about its activities to ensure safe food. EFSA walks you through the science behind the assessment of risks from the farm to the fork and discusses with experts what goes on behind the scenes at EFSA

EPHA Climate Directions report for public health

This report by EPHA, the European P ublic H ealth A llianc e, elaborates on h ow public health should bridge justice gaps, break silos and promote health co-benefit s. It outlines the current climate-health crisis and the needs to address this challenge with a clear focus on social, international and intergenerational justice

Quality Criteria for Health National Adaptation Plans

A Health National Adaptation Plan (HNAP) is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a plan developed by a country’s Ministry of Health as part of the NAP process. HNAP development is critical for: ensuring prioritization of action to address the health impacts of climate change at all levels of planning; linking the health sector to national and international climate change agendas, including an increased emphasis on health cobenefits of mitigation and adaptation actions in other sectors; promoting and facilitating coordinated and inclusive climate change and health planning among health stakeholders at different levels of government and across health- determining sectors; and enhancing health sector access to climate funding

CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs

COACCH (CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs) is a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and carried out by a   consortium of 13 European organisations . The final objective of COACCH is to produce an improved downscaled assessment of the risks and costs of climate change in Europe that can be accessed directly for the different needs of end users from the research, business, investment, and the policy making community

Escalating impacts of climate extremes on critical infrastructures in Europe

Extreme climatic events that are likely to become more frequent owing to global warming put additional stress on critical infrastructures with typically long life spans. However, little is known about the risks of multiple climate extremes on critical infrastructures at regional to continental scales

Integrating Environment and Health Research: a Vision for the EU

The overall aim of the HERA project is to set the priorities for an environment, climate and health research agenda in the EU. Research is expected to support decision-making at all levels and to help attaining the ultimate goals of protecting and improving ecosystem quality and human health

Environment and human health

Human health and well‑being are intimately linked to environmental quality. This has been recognised for decades amongst policymakers in Europe, and as a cornerstone in the European Commission's 7th Environment Action Programme. This report, produced jointly by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC), outlines a number of environmental issues with a direct influence on people's health and well-being and is a follow-up and update to the 2005 EEA/JRC report.

Joint strategies for Climate Change Adaptation in coastal areas

The Joint_SECAP Project reflects the necessity to operate at a wider district level and better define strategies and actions for climate change adaptation, especially for those weather and climate changes and hydrogeological risks affecting coastal areas. It aims to develop a  a common methodology for the definition of Joint Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs) focused on sharing knowledge on climate change adaptation strategies and mitigation measures

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